Perfect Guy Poem by faith toney

Perfect Guy

Every girl looks for the perfect guy
lucky me I found a prefect guy
but the thing is he is perfect for another girl
I found his qualities simple
he was kind and caring and always knew what say
he had girls for best friends therefore he knew all the stuff guys don’t
he could make you feel like the only girl he saw
supportive in every decision
even his clinging personality was cute
to the evening phone call lasting until you fall fast and securely asleep
to the morning awake up call to bring joy to the morning
so many things every girl wants
and every word so sweet
trusting every action
playful in soul and soft to touch
its every girls dream to have someone to care
which this perfect guy did
but the perfect guy I found is for someone else
for another girl to receive
for I just uncovered the perfect guy for someone else to keep
but that’s ok with me because he once was mine
and I let go for the true love of me
perfect sometimes isn’t what every girl wants
I don’t want perfect
I threw the perfect guy away for a real guy
the kind who doesn’t say stuff he doesn’t mean to impress you
my kind of guy who is the kind for me
I had a perfect guy and I know have someone who this time I care for
I found the perfect guy 1 in millions
he’s perfect for some other girl

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