Painter Of My Dreams Poem by D Loveday Morris

Painter Of My Dreams

Painter of My Dreams

All praises to the almighty one
The Lord who reigns supreme
He is my one and only father
Though dark the way may seem
He splashes it, with colour- like a colour wheel
He is the painter of my dreams

Not a person of noble birth
Not the second nor the first
Graced to this place called earth
A realm of joy and sadness blend
Yet, I choose to trust to the end
The painter of my dreams

A path with changing sights
With inward and outward fights
Yet I stand in delight
Blazing with light
Trusting His insight
The painter of my dreams

To some I may seem
Like a tossed away dream
Nothing special; no, mama didn't wean
So why the interest from one so supreme?
I call and He sends a heavenly beam
Because, He is the painter of my dreams

Painter, painter, artist of my life
Through joy or through stife
When others sail
When things get pale
And brightness fails
I call Him by name-the painter of my dreams

D. Loveday Morris

June 26,2020

An Extract from the Diary of a Jamaican Critical Care Nurse Living and Working in the UK

Painter Of My Dreams
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: hope,praise,trust
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