Only I Poem by praneeth remidi

Only I

Only I know what darkness exist beyond the darkest nights
Because I have seen the darkness in shines of sun

Only I know what beauty lacks when all flowers on earth gather
Because one flower never gets invitation

Only I know the master's vulpine bless
I once saw snide in his smiles

Only I know what cry lie beyond tears
As I know an anxiety that awaits while smiles surround

only I know the unpleasantness in dusk and dawn
Coz once for a while in them I saw a fairy better than these

When waves return with little sand
Only I know how badly they long for the beach

Only I know how burdensome the sky feels for the clouds
Because I have two eyes with cloud bags on their back

Only I know the sharp edges of the first crescent moon
Because I know of a heart with sharp wedged corners

Only I know of sleeps that are lesser than naps
Only I know of dreams in opened eyes

Only I know what timidity persists in lions roar
Only I know what presume in a cat's walk
Only I know the cry of a caged bird
Only I know the wetness in the dried grass

Only I know the smoothest slopes designed to climb high
Only I know the surveillance from a thunder shock
Only I know the time in person
Only I know the time in prison

Only I unfortunately, Only I unwillingly
Only I unknowingly, only I harshly

Kavya . 11 February 2013

Only I know how nice imaginary poems u write.....hehehe...a gud 1

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