On The Wings Of Raj Hansa... Poem by Mohammad Younus

On The Wings Of Raj Hansa...

On the wings of Raj Hansa, ...
I set to fly to where Adam had failed...
...in search of that forbidden tree...
...to rest under its cool shade;
As I leave the earthly abode...
...I cast my eyes forward in hope...
...and catch a glimpse of that garden of Eden;
Perched upon its bough...
...I spot the bird of paradise...
...singing in melodious tunes;
Who takes a pause to watch at me...
...as if commanding me to give my ear to her song...
... Hu! Hu! Hu! La illaha illa hu!
(Hu! Hu! Hu! There is no deity but He)
Al-insānu sirrē waana siruhû!
(Human being is my secret, and I am his secret)
I wave to her as I pass by;
She returns to me a gentle stare...
...and plays her lute with care;
My wandering eye is now affixed...
...upon the mesmerising voice of this bird;
Whose eyes meet mine for brief moments;
To watch my inner secrets unfurl;
Who does she see, from on that bough?
What new tunes will she now sing to me?
She knows I am her persona in human form?
She is seeing her person in me;
She assures me in her song;
That I am not her other;
Rather I am in reality She;
Now, Eve rises from under me;
And I get to know the truth of forbidden tree;
I wonder when I see Adam and Eve...
...resting under the tree...
...with no appetite for the forbidden fruit.


On The Wings Of Raj Hansa...
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