' Old Lobster Creek Trail? ' Poem by JDC LeDrew

' Old Lobster Creek Trail? '

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'She lay south of this very porch.
Now if you stand here and look to the end of the briar lands-
That be where she lay.

Now if a seekin' man follered up to Lobster Valley by the track,
He could catch her there,
Foller her 'round the backside of the mountain.
She laid out from there jest like a school girl's song!
That degree of sweetness, comfort,
Like a widows open prayer book.
She were lovely, truly lovely.

I never took her but with a sack and staff,
But there were them that did, with mules and such.
Doubt she ever took a cart though,
She weren't that sweet!

Now I took her more times than I can count
And my daddy taught her to me.
In them days, we'd walk her to git to the camp.
Daddy'd work the week and then come back home by her.
Saved time over takin' the road
Or catchin' ride on a freight wagon by plenty!

I started out as a shaver, jest awalkin' with him alittle way.
Course as time went on,
I got to walkin' her length with him.
Then, I'd come on home and he'd stay to work the week.
Now later of course, I walked her to work, same as him.

Well you ask me of her and I'll tell ya where she lay!
Doubt you'll find none who knew her better in these parts!
These times, anyway.

Now in them days, there was elk all over that country.
She jest wound her way down through the firs,
Jest like church, Sunday morning. It was so quiet.
Them giant cedars and nobles
And of course you had your yew and all them damn alders.
All of them was good cover for the elk.
Good feed aplenty there!

Now you boys ain't gonna git no rig down her.
I'll tell ya that much!
She weren't never that sweet!
She was born and died a walkin' man's daughter
And them ways are the salt of the earth
And the rest ain't worth a tinker's damn!

Now I tell ya,
In her time,
She lay out from this-here valley
Jest like a school girl's song.
No use you young fellers lookin',
Damn few elk left anyway.
She's gone now.
Damn shame the saw boys took her down to stumps.”

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JDC LeDrew

JDC LeDrew

Portlando, Oreegun
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