No Soul Poem by Brian Hairbottle

No Soul

Here I am in this far flung strange land
where I rest my weary head and apply my hand,
Far from friends and family, in a place
I live but is not home, and from where I face
the long days and nights of life
with a lady fair and true, who is my wife.

As each day passes and the next is about to dawn
I ponder and consider the decision to leave where I was born,
for this place that is called the land of milk and honey
is more a land of waste and money.
A culture and lifestyle so different and foreign
where it is claimed, to be the world leader in modern.
Yet! ! I look around at all and sundry
noticing, seeing that all is not as rosy,
as many who are native to this country
would make you think when in their company.

Their cry of 'FREEDOM' and 'RIGHTS'
are going so far that now these calls come back and bites,
For the nation is becoming a nation of degeneration
the youth have no manners or care,
for they have been spoilt beyond fair.
Discipline no longer exists to teach and train,
not to expect everything on a plate or work for gain.
Respect, honesty and manners are no longer thought important
the parents are to busy or do not care to fulfill the abundant,
Role, position and source of educating their own off-spring
in the simple but earnest art of etiquette they should bring,
with them at all times of their lives and interaction
realise that they are not the focus or central star attraction.

This is a land of decadence and throw away
do not fear for another time where fortune may stray,
it is to easy, there is so much that no thought
is given to many who have cried and fought,
for that morsel or scrap that is considered no good
it is of no consequence that tons is wasted in food.
It is easy, many are lazy and make no effort
for surely someone will go without or have to be bereft,
so that masses can go on with their daily routine.
Who cares, there is more where that came from, no one is counting,
the cost that this is placing on the land
no one cares to lift or give a hand.

It is my right is the cry
echoed by many who pass by,
But, sadly no one sees or heeds
the days when there was manners and cares, only take what you need,
Do not waste or throw away
for you never know when may come the day
where that item or food so carelessly discarded in/on the trash
could have made the difference for he life of someone not so brash

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