No Accidental Death Poem by Gary James Smith

No Accidental Death

Rating: 5.0

No Accidental Death

No accidental death that placed Christ on the cross
But purposely He died there for my sin
Love beyond all comprehension shed His precious blood
Still He seeketh for lost souls to win
What so great Salvation came within our reach
Repent...believe and you shall see the light
The wisdom of the world has nothing to compare
He who knows the Lord knows pure delight

The grave could not hold back the Lord hallelujah for the Cross
For sinless was the spotless Lamb of God
Hope was waiting to be born and three days later came
He was our Resurrection according to the Word
The light shone forth from darkness's realm...there's victory over sin
Now man can live with hope beyond the grave
And powerfulstill... it is today as it was back then
That blessed gospel message Jesus saves!

So friend decide to secure your soul as to its resting place
It's your decision as to what your will will be
God has given you opportunity to believe on Christ His Son
Where oh where will you spend eternity?
Today if you will hear His voice speaking by the Spirit
Respond I pray before what determines your death
Remembering Christ died to forgive you your sins
It was no accidental death!

Copyright November 2 2018 6: 53pm

Gary James Smith

Friday, November 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Haidee Majola 02 November 2018

It was no accident

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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