Nightmare Looms Large Due To Unabated Pandemic Clout! Poem by Ramesh T A

Nightmare Looms Large Due To Unabated Pandemic Clout!

Corona pandemic affects everyone without exception everywhere in the world;
To curtail the spread of the pandemic bus, train and plane services are suspended;
Even food items and household materials are sold out through mobile shops;
But even then, casualties are increasing; deaths are steadily increasing alarming all!

With so many social restrictions in vogue, Covid 19 as never before causes concern;
Though distance is maintained between people and nations, friendship is deepening;
Poverty figure of population is about to rise high as rocket to the sky soon sure now;
Fear psychosis though overcome by faith of unity of all, death thoughts are there..!

People's daily life has become a big question mark as all places are locked down…;
People are longing for free movement to proceed with regular works for survival;
Dreams of prosperous life are in doldrums like trees fully shaken of leaves by storm;
People are longing with too much awe to see calm day dawn after ghostly cyclones!

Experience of death and what's after all are imaging, thinking and dreaming in horror
As if all see horror movies losing sleep at night in nightmares without any exception!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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