Night Time Dangles Its Emptiness Poem by Scott Shaw

Night Time Dangles Its Emptiness

the nighttime dangles its emptiness
refusing to caress the dawn

the passion it drains out of us

long lost memory
of something which once was

it is hard to remember the feeling

I lay on my back

old bed
old mattress
old, dirty blankets

I lay next to a woman
a woman, who promised me forever

forever, it was such a short amount of time

2: 31 AM - eyes wide open
I stare out into the black
the black pasted hard against the off white ceiling

a ceiling where tiny raised images protrude

ancient asbestos
textured, for a textured time

raised images, uneven
uneven like life

I stare up at their opaque emptiness
attempting to make pictures out of their tiny forms

like cloud worship
like cloud daydreaming

I wonder what they have to tell me
I wonder what promises they will make

promises, which never seem to last
like love
like life

Scott Shaw

Scott Shaw

Hollywood, California
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