Never Give Up Poem by Sweta Leena Panda

Never Give Up

Rating: 4.3

When life goes rough & tough
Still never ever give up
Stop thinking about what will happen next
Think about the present moment
Live & laugh
say I will never give up
never fear for shadows and out of the darkness
there is no need to run and hide
it's the actual life
So never give up
you'll find a shining star without you
Love yourself & see within you
How much positive power you have
You can't imagine how much blessed you are
So never give up
Life is a battle field
So never give up
Keep fighting till the end
if you will fall along the way
You'll get up and try again
however never ever accepting the defeat
You are a hero of your life
Never forget
So never give up
It's your journey
You are well known how to finish it
so set goals in your life
However never let negative thought to hurt your soul
Hold yourself up when you feel down
Be courageous & be free thinker
It's your life
So you no need to give up
Keep yourself around positive minded people
never dwell on things in the past
Bad times will come & goes
So never give up
be like a tree
Who stands on its own effort?
Its finger dug deep inside the sand
Its branches spread & try to touch the heaven
Its size is big
Still it never ever fear for storm
So never ever give up
Peace is possible
One day war will be ended
I hope it will be possible
So never give up
try your best everyday

* Sunprincess * 19 August 2015

........very nice, thank you for sharing ★

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Chinedu Dike 31 May 2022

The power of positive thinking is aptly portrayed in the poem. An insightful piece of poetry written with conviction. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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Abhimanyu Kumar.s 21 November 2017

Good to see the spirit for good. Yes we need to be positive all the time.

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M Asim Nehal 08 July 2016

Inspiring and motivational poem...10

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 May 2016

say I will never give up never fear for shadows and out of the darkness there is no need to run and is a fighting battle, never give up, fight till you reach your destination..... be determined in your life. work hard. life is yours to achieve. you are spreading such wonderful ideas of life and progress. very positive outlook of life and attitudes.... thank you very much for your poem. tony

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 08 December 2015

Verily, those who never give up indeed reach to their goals.

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