Never Poem by Stewart Watkins


Rating: 4.9

Never lose that luminous light
Especially when the veil of night befalls
Always continue the good fight
Even when dreams seemingly forestall

Keep a moving and a shaking
Stand down to rest but only for a moment
Elude all imposters who are out a faking
While staying the course on the road of atonement

Never placate that natural burning fire within
Keep fanning the flames with faith, hard work, and self-esteem
Because there are more than enough outside who do not want you to win
So get aligned with the Most High and protect your dreams

Never stop believing.....
Just keep dreaming

Never stop learning.....
Keep those dendrites churning

Never stop trying.....
Even while crying

And please, please

Never stop going.....
Just keep growing


Marvellous poem, exuding tons of positive energy and enthusiasm. And no doubt, it is our internal energy that keeps us going! One need not and should not search it outside.

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Jayne Louise Davies 04 January 2023

Thank you for this x Very true words!

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Rob Lamberton 04 January 2023

"Just keep growing" great advice and great poem! Thank you!

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Part 2. Bhagavat Gita says " उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् । आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः" meaning By the self you should deliver the self, you should not depress and cast down the self; for the self is the friend of the self and the self is the enemy.

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Rob Lamberton 05 February 2023

Great poem! ! Congratulations on POD. Love the first stanza! Great message throughout.

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 05 February 2023

never lose... never stop the know thyself~ congrats for being selected the poem as POD

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Nosheen Irfan 06 January 2023

A great motivational piece. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Part 5: Kabirdas Contd: Why do you search God outside, just like an ignorant musk deer searching for the musk (emanating from its own body) in the grass? Instead, search Him, The Supreme Power inside you.

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Sant Kabirdas said, "तेरा साँई तुझमें, ज्यों पहुपन में बास। कस्तूरी का हिरन ज्यों, फिर-फिर ढ़ूँढ़त घास॥" that is, Your God (the power that you search for) in within your self, as is the fragrance of a flower.

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