Nature Perceived Poem by Thomas Foreman

Nature Perceived

Nature perceived is founded upon two things, evolving bodies and the void. What I am going to discuss are the bodies that are adapting within the void as they interact and move about within one another.

Lets compare a combination and separation of multiple bodies just as the merging of two distinct sea waves flowing in differing velocities into one another, for a brief time, evolving together in perfect unison. To once again separate, having been forever changed by one another. Being unique and brief as an individual just to merge once again with another distinct wave of differing magnitude in seeming perfection, for a time.

Differing waves of abstract diversion are flowing along a deepening current in continuous adaptation to one another.

There is a time of first beginnings, of all things, are themselves without beginning, all in a time of a longing gone by. These things of a perceiving beginning are moving in the same mannerism as now. Being born along in likening matter through as endless succession of differing beings.

We are as the timeless waves evolving in seeming perfection, in the flowing celebration of Life and Love. All of our bodies are composed in particles dating from this first creation by the counsel of an intelligent agent, developing in the creators' treatise of concerning bodies.

© Thomas Foreman

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