My Voice Is Ready Poem by Mwenyeji Spikes

My Voice Is Ready

The say words have the power to build or break
Spoken words can inspire, motivate, shake up move or destroy
What are you using your words for when its time to speak
To the ends of teaching, uniting and changing, my voice is ready

With a gift with slight murmur but steadfastness, I will devout self to even more
When I speak, so shall i be with resounding clarity for my people to all the corners of the world
In the depth of my consciousness shall I do only with truth, insight and with love
When they call me to the table, I will speak in nothing but brutal honesty for my voice is ready

If the fault the messenger and not the message, I will still speak in boldness only for whats true
When they listen and are ready to engage near or far, young or old, wise or curious
My mission and work shall be done not just to please but to cause change through the work
When they fight the words for the upsetting truth, so will I continue to speak for my voice is ready

They might ask, is speaking better than listening or is speaking more important than the action
Even in the speaking shall I devout my time to listen the voice within and the teaching of the wise
Where I know not what to speak will I resign to knowledge first than open my mouth in vain
For the gift of speaking will I still stand in humility to speak for my voice is ready

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