My Love For You! Poem by Sylvia Chidi

My Love For You!

Rating: 5.0

Like a silent wind that has blown
Sometimes I think about you quietly alone
As I lay in bed

My hair stands up deep-rooted unkempt
A wink of sleep I have not yet slept
I cogitate and wish that I could have wept
Just seeing elements of my love for you
Shift from right to left
And I know I owe destiny a great debt

My love for you
Is deeper than any wells of earth
My love for you
Is always on red alert!
There is no one like you
Not yet! That gets me this wet
My love for you
Is without regret as I watch the sun set

I think of you constantly
Lingering on the way you smile graciously
I think of your kisses and your touch
My heart endlessly yearns for you too much
This heart of mine I have to watch!

They say tough is rough
But your love alone is enough
To carry me through any tough
If I alone could move the mountains
I would remove all the hurdles in our lane

Many say loving you from afar is insane
But my love for you
Will stand against time and torrential rains

My love for you
Is non-negotiable
My love for you
Is forever stable
My love for you
Is my food to you on your table!
Tell me my dear! Are you capable?
Tell me my dear! Are we that compactable?

Patience my dear is the name of the game
Thoughts of you will light up my flame
My love for you forever remains the same!

Nicky Turner 22 May 2007

love it! ! ! ! couldn't be better

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