My Dear Sister Poem by Arta Krasniqi

My Dear Sister

You'll grow up one day my dear sister
and you'll realize the beautiful world you see
is a pale love of those who greed
the blue sky you see these days
glue that picture in your mind
for you are never going to see it again
when you grow up my dear...
I wish you hadn't...
I wish you never learn that people lie
people hate...
people are the machineries of wicked things
I wish I never see you hurt,
because I know you will get hurt some day
by some bad friend whose words are cold and pale
or by people, who never seem to get enough of weak laughter...
I wish I never see any dropp of tear on your soft innocent face
you'll always be my baby sister
but hear my dear,
the words I say are true
you'll grow up one day soon
and I shall not be there forever...
learn to be thankful for beautiful things in this world
love the nature, love every part of it
and know my dear...
dreams are not real
real is for what you kneel...

Daniel Brick 28 August 2015

This is a painful poem to read as I'm sure it was to write. It's one thing to confront the evil and danger in the world for ourselves but to know that the same fate looms in the future of a loved one - and we cannot prevent it - is - well, your poem expresses the grief more eloquently than my words. In the long run of things, this poem is PROMISE to your sister, and a promise to yourself, that family love means neither of you will be alone. I only have a twin sister - no other siblings - and that relationship of almost seven decades may be the most lasting blessing of my life. You have the same blessing to look forward to. And so ends my catechism, as Shakespeare put it!

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Fabrizio Frosini 16 July 2015

compelling and creative.

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Arta Krasniqi 05 October 2012

Know* drop* Sorry for grammatical mistakes...

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A poignant write...with a powerful warning to a beloved sibling...~FjR~

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Poignant write, yet a loving sibling warning...The world need not be so filled with anathema and conspiracy...if only we all would buy into the bold fact that in the end...our ultimate destinies are the same...Stellar Write ~FjR~

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