Mr. Cruz Tell Me Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

Mr. Cruz Tell Me

Rating: 5.0

How can you justify the Second Amendment?
While the children of America are being
Gunned down in cold blood
Innocent children that should be playing
In the schoolyard and learning their ABC's
Yeah, I like to know how do you rationalise it?
The innocent people that were killed with no regard
As though, they were rats causing disease
I don't know how can you live with yourself, Mr Cruz
My mind cannot wrap around yr philosophy
Though, people like you leave everyone else dying
I am hoping you can get a good night's sleep
Before they come after you

This poem is for the shootings in Texas and Buffalo and the stupidity of Sen. Ted Cruz

Hi LeeAnn, Ted Cruz is not stupid. He wise. There are reports that his election as senator was funded by the gun lobby. So, he means business.

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Please read, ‘He is wise'….

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Gun control is just one of the answers. But, even if these kids do not get guns lawfully, they can always get guns illegally. Anyway he gets it killing innocent people. So how he gets it does not matter for him.

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It is evident that the senator stands for the gun lobby. If their business is affected, he'd lose his funding. It is that simple. So ignore him and all those like him.

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LeeAnn, let us remember that in both the shoot outs, the perpetrators were kids just 18 years old. They are just kids. What the administration should now address is, why such young kids go astray and what needs to be done to prevent this.

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Kevin Patrick 01 June 2022

Those lines really hit home. Even lab rats get more protection then a child in a school

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Kevin Patrick 01 June 2022

The innocent people that were killed with no regard As though, they were rats causing disease.

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Kevin Patrick 01 June 2022

This is powerful stuff Leeann, I think this is some of the most direct stuff and angry work you have made. It captures rage as any empathic person watching these tragedies unfold.

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Kevin Patrick 01 June 2022

Cruz is one of the worst and most despicable leaders out their, the fact that he puts the needs of gun owners over the safety of children, shows how screwed up the system is.

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Kevin Patrick 01 June 2022

As a canadian it makes no sense to me (and the rest of the sane world) how a country like the states can place the importance of weapons over the safety of children. Its beyoned horrifying.

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