Mother's Beloved, learn The Artistry Of Happy Surviving! Poem by AFFAQ NABI

Mother's Beloved, learn The Artistry Of Happy Surviving!

From the Orient appeared the rising sun. that glows
With his glory, the high heavens, and the gentle
Breeze also departs for her mission over small
Farmers' rice fields which meet our basic needs.
Though sometimes the gentle zephyr displays anger,
That has a reason, as every action has a reaction.

Ali, also rode his horse to relish the pasture season.
And Ostrich sat to brood into bits of rock. Ali, wake up!
Early for his trip to the small strip
Healing herbs from the flowers
having fairs
Of fragrance on their sweating lips, a sweet
Juice that could never be skipped by the motes
Ali, can live in a single shirt and sweater in the
Severe cold. If you ask him, 'What's the mystery? '
He will only laugh: 'It's the power of wild herbs.'
That made him physically strong and warm.

Roseila, also left out her small bamboo hut
Along with little sweeties from her whooping swan
Towards the ring canal, Robin
and Wren were
The first to sing a love honour of daisy Iris.
Dear babe! whisper their different sweet sounds
That in the later hour, you would
never find out,
Wake me up from your sound
slumber and relish
The fresh breaths of golden dawn and learn the
Artistry of happy surviving,
Mother's beloved!
Rejoice a new spark of life's
long and cherish is arriving.

Mother's Beloved, 
learn The Artistry Of Happy Surviving!
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: joy
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