Modern Love Xlii (Someday, Not Today) Poem by Liberatore Suffoletta

Modern Love Xlii (Someday, Not Today)

Many thousand dancing orange fireflies
swirl forward greedily together
In trembling chaos.
carousing away lovingly
on a dirt road in dark night rapidly vanishing,
They sing, rave, delirious, a silent shrill,
Shivering with joy against death,
Making love while they may,
While all kingdoms, sink into ruin,
While nations, heavy with gold, instantly scatter
into daylight and legend, without leaving a trace,
Have you ever known so fierce a dance?
A dance only lovers know!

At night, when mountains cradle me
And pale stars shimmering
Lie down on their broad shoulders,
Then I am free again to be,
From all activity and all love
Silent, breathing purely,
Alone, alone, cradled by mountains
They are there,
at home,
cold and silent,
with a thousand lights above.
Sometime, not today,
I shall have to think of you,
And my gaze shall sink into your gaze
And ask you, silent, alone:
'Are you still mine'
Is my sorrow a sorrow to you,
my death a death?
Do you feel my love, my grief,
Answer anyway you choose
As just a breath, just an echo of a whisper
as the silent mountains peacefully gaze back,
And smile: no.
no greeting and no answer comes from anywhere.
So, no answer shall come from you.

How heavy rainy summer days are.
Their fire can not warm me,
Not a sun to laugh with me,
Everything wet and naked,
Everything damp, lonely raindrops
Keep falling merciless,
And even hidden stars look desolately down,
since I learned in my heart
Love can die.

Tonight my pillow gazes back at me
Not to ever lie down asleep in your hair.
To die alone in a silent house,
gently stretch out my hands
to gather in yours,
softly press my warm mouth
toward you, and kiss myself,
suddenly I'm awake
around me,
the hot humid summer night
Where is your soft hair? ,
Where are your eyes?
Where is your plum sweet mouth?
Sometime, I drink pain in delight,
Sometime, I drink poison;
To be alone,
Alone, without you.
And out of tears.
Sometime, I go wild
like a wolf in the mountains
And howl, howl in delight
At life, life itself

I still walk often,
Without lowering my gaze,
and hurry,
Suddenly, silently,
While you demand a happiness, that's dead.
I know, you walk beyond me,
a coy dance in a beautiful dress,
walk for money,
in your glass shoes,
while a blue wind plays in your hair with lascivious delight.
We walk, and walk, and find no home at all.

Liberatore Suffoletta

Liberatore Suffoletta

Pettorano Sul Gizio, L'Aquila, Abruzzi, Italy
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