Mirror Of Witness Poem by Nilesh Upadhyay

Mirror Of Witness

Outside my world, on those highs and by far
Where words are arcane and silence is evident
Where still lakes holds a story at their frozen surface
I gazed in that mirror to witness a different life, denying all the perfidence

The world of convinience i am living in
Had a story to tell me of anomoly beyond the reach of diffidence
It was too wild and feary in my mind and libelled until yesterday when
I gazed in that mirror to witness a differet life, denying all the perfidence

I never knew that there are stars talking to me all night
Was Waiting for call to make my heart beat in prudence
Pushing my feet into snowclad lands and falling all along slope
Understood that thr is always someone of clemence love all along my way.
...........i heard my heartbeat
Gazing in that mirror to witness a differet life, denying all the perfidence

I never had ice to drink and tasted dry breads to eat
Throat never dried and never felt the cold winds in me as an incident
they were fear till now when i fell in love with those ardent gift
Gazing in that mirror to witness a differet life, denying all the perfidence

There is more to see in life...if you want to live
Getting out of my chores, to live it, i feared, may not become abstinence
I felt the want to impugn the definition being imprinted on the minds when..
I gazed in that mirror to witness a differet life, denying all the perfidence
And realized there are more life to live

There are things countless and beyond those mountains to say
But cannot forget to sing about the two hands that came along my way
One tickled me to laughter another showed me the way
The untouched soil giving me the relic symbolising..
The relationships that exist undefined and with time never going to fray

(the poem is all about the trip i have undertaken for uttarkashi....)

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