Men's Game Poem by Anonymous Daughter

Men's Game

Which one would you choose
A man so deceitful and able to hide his evil self or the one who shows you
The diamond that I chose amongst the ruble turned out to be nothing but a twinkle in my eye
Not different, just more deceitful
In the end you see it is not the man who actually loves you
but the man that is able to play the game the best and get away with it
Able to give them self to someone and come home,
able to look in my eye
without the tiniest of guilt
Shadowing the mirror that leads to his window.......of deception
Able to purchase the cover in your palms
Not realizing your love for me
Able to drive into the accomplice's house
Not able to realize your love for me
Able to put the cover on while looking your accomplice in the eye
Not able to realize your love for me
Able to thrust the deceit into your accomplice
As she moans
Not able to realize your love for me
But as the joy escapes your body, the pleasure escapes
suddenly the guilt creeps in your mind
Trying hard to let it go away, it remains though
A very stubborn thing; guilt
Able to grasp your attention when you are very much inattentive
(gASP) Now you realize your love for me
You realize the mistake, but fear drives it away
Keeps the guilt on temporary leave
You come home to me, as if nothing happens
I am naive and feed into your lies
Believing the words that come out, not comparing them to what I heard before; things previous men told me
What happens to the guilt?
It appears suddenly, without the slightest notice
Astonished I fall to the ground
It was then that I lost interest
Lost interest in the lies
Lost interest in the deceit
Lost interest in the costumed love
Lost interest........
in you

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