Man And Nature Poem by Praveen Kumar In Shobha Priya

Man And Nature

Whatever you tap,
Soar noise, confusion;
Whenever you peep,
Hoax and deception;
Wherever go deep,
Malicious intension;
Businesses pop up,
Perpetuate corruption.

Simple and straight forward,
No more now anywhere found;
Loyalty and trust, lost ground,
Only ruthless now, make sound.

Is it human nature?
Has it any future?
Nature's fierce ride
In the evolution's slide
Bred wide complexities
And fierce competitions;
Scarce resources are around,
More mouths agape to feed;
Feed to breed led to greed,
And greed led to hoard;
It is the survival instinct
To keep the self alight
Led to the competitive feat
To reach the post first.

Nature trained man to fight
Irrespective of wrong or right;
Learned to live, reach height,
Man survives by sheer might.

It is nature's command
To reach out and stand;
Cowards are those who band
To shrink from what is in hand
In name of good and bad
And lose survival's bid;
Life is to sweat and fight,
What is upbeat is right,
Not who submits to might;
It is how nature designed,
So set it and resigned;
You see it a'where,
How strong feeds on weaker;
No guilt on lion ever
For feeding on a deer,
No wrong if tiger kills
A calf alone on hills,
Or a man slaughter chicks
For trade in his hands;
It is all fighting all else,
A fight to rise or fall.

Manhood is accomplishment,
To transcend nature's state;
Man shapes order appropriate
What for all is safe and right
In the mess of the reign of might;
Man and nature are in fight,
Who will win it at the end?
Fight goes on day and night,
But man is yet to find ground
While might proves that it is right.

Refrain and restraint is the tool,
Man employs to reach his goal;
Rules and morals he builds on
Keeps him above might's reign.

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