Making Coffee To Run A Crime Story Poem by Rosa Jamali

Making Coffee To Run A Crime Story

Rating: 5.0

Making Coffee to Run a Crime Story
A long Poem by Rosa Jamali
Translated From Original Persian into English by the Author


There's nothing to do with a knife
When a blind housebreaker's wandering around
There's nothing to do with a knife!

The burglar alarm didn't ring
The sewing thimbles couldn't help the seamstress
When they climbed over the walls of the house
We were blind and deeply asleep.

(Your mind didn't work
Just you knew the alphabet and multiplication table
Huge digits
And how could you figure them out...)

My hair was appearing out of my scarf
They said the lady knows the shapes of the dishes quite well
All her buttons were slipping down restlessly
Her heart topsy-turvy like the reversed Persian number 5.

Have you stolen my dreams in a reversed turning?

My first love poem? You forgot...
Your password? I forgot...
First word I ever said? You forgot...
Even my ID? I forgot...

Tell me the truth, have you stolen my name?

I've sheltered in evading eye-lids
Are you going to finish that?
I had buried a treasure in this ground
The plane took away a piece of the ground.

Windows hiding in transition
Are the last photos of this ground
Pity that your blood vessels were our clues!

You asked my hands which denied you
It's a pity you're not here;
Or some pieces of this ground have departed you.

On an old chair
Your wrong direction has created a chaos in the world
I've brewed some coffee to continue this crime story
I'm done
And the timbers in the fireplace are wet
All the winds are blowing over my ears badly
There's no trust in snowdrops
Ask the trees that are my witness in this crime
I've buried a piece of my parting memory
Underneath those trees.

Have I uprooted all those trees?

I emphasize:
Your nerves are lower than this
And disguise doesn't prove the frostbite of anything
Was it my sin?
Or my dreams are not the type of your blood!

Those who stormed into my nightmares
Didn't know that was just a dream in disguise.

I announce your death as I tell the truth on this piece of paper
And your fingerprints which are my witness in this crime
How can I disclose this secret?

The woman's thimbles and sewing stuff were frozen
When they were climbing over the walls of the house…

I'm the narrator and soon a part of the crime,
I tied your destiny to an aged tree trunk's ring
And pulsed the lifeblood of this ground into your veins.

(This is a blood relation of your degenerated revengeful aunt
Came to take the revenge of her family blood…)

(The narrator who has already committed suicide writes this passage and runs away...)

The clue has gone with the wind
The rest is not clear
The snow has poured on the fingerprints

Never they can find her hereafter
She has left all her papers
And is in a rush!

I swear to God, my mind didn't work anymore
I missed the narrator who was going to write my death

The answer was a letter in the crossword
But the crossword was wrong!

They've cut this text short, shorter…
They say the game is over and shoot
I've said the last letter though

I'm ready for the dinner
And ready to play this role
I remember you well!
But I'm stumbling over my long pitch-black skirt which trips around my legs while dancing

To the memory you've lost
You've stolen my name
You act my role very well
You bewitched my hair, braids of my hair, part by part!

Shoot Me!

You ruled my bewitched hair, strand by strand!


Once a week,
He came to my dreams in a nightmare
It was a rumor
That he's crossed the borders of the house
And stepping over the walls.

I didn't care
But his shadow was haunting me
How could I reveal his identity?
How did he know my bedtime?

He lets himself in
Right inside the house yard
He who has helplessly sheltered behind the curtains
On the light of a day
The trees are the ones who confess.

Somebody who was never in my life
Didn't know anything about the pieces of chess
Oh, dear!
You knew nothing about this black and white photo
It was clear though
See how he crucified me!
I had one nail less than the cross!

For three times a week he climbs up the walls of the house
And he is not worried
For the door-keeper is blind.

What have I done?
How could I erase you from four corners of the house?

It's darkening painfully on my nerves.


By your permission
We clarify this unidentified object
The crime I have revealed
They've sent me to exile to an unknown corner
And there's no way to the underground.

Say it, admit it, confess!
I was born on the day you touched my grave-clothes
My hobby was always a dark loophole
My ID was a sheet of my sister's ID

They estimate the gravity force of the instant a stone doesn't sink.

Say it, admit it, confess:
The crime I have revealed!


All right!
I don't know whether it's four o'clock in the afternoon or five
Whether it's a Thursday or Friday
It's October or November
Winter or autumn? !
Minutes are forbidden
I've committed a sin
This is not the first time
This is not the last time
It's the one- thousandth time they held me in a dungeon
I've got thirty seconds left
My shadow has followed your shadow for years
My hair has turned into a spider web
Mass of seaweeds surrounded my fingers
I never look at your eyes straightly
You've been spilling this cold milk over my bones
You've targeted the center of my eyes by constant shooting
It's been thirty-five days since I fell in love with dead bodies
This is an unfinished report!

His eyeballs have been infected and he can no longer breathe
A sharp pain's penetrating in my breast
They gave me the blinds' stick to walk
And looking at the calendar is forbidden
There is a woman screaming, to all different sides, her voice is surrounding the sky; diagonal and vertical! One hundred and eighty degrees to the sickle that cuts!
There's a woman screaming over and over, constantly
There's a woman screaming, some seconds,
When it falls, it's ninety degrees
There's a woman screaming, It's twelve o'clock at midnight
The wheel is complete;
Three hundred and sixty degrees.

The gun is appearing slightly behind the wall
Stinky blood is making me insane
Say it, admit it, confess!
Heavens going wild,
The whole universe is a teeny-tiny woman that has been wiped out
Say it, admit it, confess!

They've exiled me to an unknown corner
A big stone plunges into the water instantly
And there is no way to the underground;
The woman's screaming...
The woman's screaming...
The woman's screaming...

[At this moment the reader can close the book for a few minutes to drink a little coffee] [This entr'acte has just been written to relax the reader's mind: ]
A murder at the eighth second of this text is going to take place and pending: In case you take the role of the narrator, nobody could play the role of the murderer as I do and I'm the only person who knows this cryptic mystery; which one looks better and fits the plot? Murder with a knife or a cutter?
The murder takes place in room number thirteen and you've got the choice of color for the walls: A crime will happen and nobody could do it as I did. [This is just the beginning of a crime story and your expectation expediates what's coming next, you are the second person in this crime: ]
The thief, the murderer and the detective are the three wings and you are all the cast of this mysterious triangle and the narrator has left the story quietly.
[The police says that you who are reading this text are charged with retelling it as it goes on...] This dead body which has been fragmented to pieces and your bleeding veins are an episode that I've bid to happen!
I confess that I took the cutter and there was just one glass of water on the table at that night.
All those fingerprints on my veins are a vague clue and in case you are the narrator of this crime, the murderer has fled away!
[You will be inside the story if you open the book again...]


The night I was murdered
Not more than an accident
The night I was murdered
They are spreading the grave-clothes on my eyelids
The night I was murdered
Just an accident
The night I was murdered!

(Even they shoot at my shadow
But this woman won't die even by the curse of God
I've worn the skin of hyaena!)

There was a woman told my fate by reading the tea leaves,
I was dreading my future
And I shot the woman dead
I vanished her shadow.

(And I'm like a clown acting the fortune teller, laugh a little bit please and make my blood cold.)

It's late to say goodbye
My sharp knives are left on your dish
I've set the dinner on the table
Ace of spades
This is the last card of my fortune
The single shape of my nightmare
Flat Number night
This is a mystery I won't disclose
We have eight seconds to the moment of your death
I've turned to an iceberg on this far deep ocean
Clock's hands are marking the crime scene.

The night I was murdered:
Win or lose, no matter!
What matters is my veins that are the foretellers of this mysterious ground
What matters is that you are spellbound the moment my pulse beats
And the point is that I've knocked a man down
Hold him here!
For some seconds, some minutes, some years, some centuries!
Where can I bury your dead body?

[The Burial of this dead body is forbidden.]

What you breathe in and breathe out
Are like cracks underground
Broken like a porcelain dish
What I breathe in and breathe out!

It's a straight line
With no beginning and no end!
A dagger has risen from my held breath
A labyrinth from my heart's blood vessels
I've even played my last card
It's a straight line running on the scratches of my both cheeks
And a grave I've made on my own.

I've become bigger than my grave-clothes.

-The pillow you've put under your head hears my voice
The third knuckle of a finger of your left hand remembers
My story started right from Genesis
It's been shaped and written on your hands!

Nothing Just a few sips of that sticking in the throat wine is left
Stir me in the wine pain
No news from that man!

No matter I win or lose!
What's worth is my veins that are the foretellers of this soil
What's worth is that I cast you a spell in my pulse
The point is that I have knocked a man down!
I've crushed him
Shoved him to the other side of drainpipes
And I've shattered him
Like a waste!

Where can I bury your dead body?

[The Burial of this dead body is forbidden.]

(The woman leans on the crooked window.
If you command to rain,
You bid a downpour...)

I'm the touch of soil and the wind intercourse,
Licking the ground,
Like the muzzles of a hunting dog, sniffing
Though I keep away my mind from that aged wolf which is howling:
They were dancing on desert sands;
They were dancing on the weeds grown on my grave;
Where you've grown out of my sighs,
They were dancing...

Virgin of the Rocks:
The Virgin who's sitting on the rocks is turning to the rocks herself.

No matter I win or lose!
It's a whale grown out of the land of my teeth
Rising up to a giant snake dancing with pipe
I've silenced him!
There's a curse stretching from the rope of God to my mouth
Pebbles clotted on the shore
You never stop begging!

Where shall I bury your dead body?

[The Burial of this dead body is forbidden.]

A Report to the Rocks:
The stones recall: I had buried a piece of paper underneath/ What day was that? /I was getting cold/ I burned all my writings/ Carved some lines on the cliff /There's a fortune teller always passing here/ That forbidding woman.

(And now I'm acting a clown, imitating her, the sound of your laughter casts off the spell...)
The clown: But the ink of my pen reverses what you say, writes the opposites/ How many times I said leave him but the ink goes to his mind, keeps loving him and writes him...

And the trees! /I'm mad at them, each of them and all /Soaring high that never give me a piece of sky as my own share / you compelling trees! / Lend me a wheel!
I had come here for a pilgrimage and a sacrifice
But I forgot all!
From the shrine to the rocks, I've been climbing up the hills
I wanted to whisper this story to the wind
Then I transfigured into the rocks!

Over there! / That tree / Recalls a Wednesday/ I had buried some lines underneath / And I had written in the footnotes:
If you find this handwritten paper, you'll die in five days.
If you don't want to see your mother dies, behead a pigeon...
If you don't want to see your father dies, bury a sparrow alive...
If you don't want to see your child dies, bring a dying child here, behead the child and let the bleeding nourish the trees...
Sunset and the nightfall:
(A night for grief: Light the candles one by one, take the lanterns…)

O' the mountain, you speak,
If I'm lying, you say something…

Trimming some helpless tales
And my doomed destiny
At the end of the day, I've transfigured into the rocks
I want nothing from you
A tragic life
A grave which is the right size of my heart
And the trees are doing their heavenly prayers…

Are you collecting the frozen skeleton of sunrise?
It was no more than a battle in a nightmare
Even the blood in your nightmare had called that off!

Perhaps my shoes are lost in that nightmare
Or maybe my old shoes are small to my feet…

No matter who wins:
The important thing is that my blood vessels are the formidable foretellers of this soil
Now I've absorbed all the blood vessels of the earth
They shoot at my shadow
But this woman won't die even by the curse of God
The night I was murdered
Not more than an accident!
It was a jack pot
My fingerprints are left on your walls
Where shall I bury his dead body?
The night my murder took place
No more than an accident!
They covered my eyelids with the grave-clothes
The night my murdering took place
Not more than an accident!
The night my murder took place!

I've pulled out the kitchen knife
It cuts from both sides
Two forks here
Dripping from your throat,
Drop by drop dribbling on the sink
I've pulled out one of the knives,
That memory is still constantly running in my veins,
The person who revealed the origin of your nerves
After a second shooting slapped into your ears;
Was me!
I'm on my edge,
And the knife is directly targeting my very right eye
The murder takes place in this street
It's just in this street that the murder takes place
I've pulled out one of the knives
And dragging your nerves
What a relief was this murder ritual!
Now that I've chopped him into pieces
His Identity is unknown!

-On the night of incident;
Were there two glasses on the table?
The finger printing of a single hand wouldn't be enough
The dinner is over!

-There's nobody countering me!
The cups are dashing jingling and jingling
How long these bells are ringing and ringing...

[They've omitted a fraction of this line and the narrator is confused with this doomed destiny, her shoe prints have been covered in the snow and they've stolen her fingerprints. The answer was a letter in the crossword, it was made wrong from the first place, they've omitted a fraction of this line and this is not the clue… but there's enough time to drink a cup of coffee…]
They've cut this text short,
They say: The Game is over
And shoot.

She has broken up with her shadow
And dying time is over!
That loophole is tightening and tightening day by day
Do not forget the timer!

I'm announcing the last words:
And tomorrow it'll be a dead body corrupting
[This is the last line of a narrative which has been cleared away, erased and removed.]


You said: that's a pity
You're the proof of my death!

I said: She has given me her braided hair
The woman who annuals the death
Wouldn't that be enough?
That you are not awake
And I'm blind!

Is it early to commit suicide?
Have you been involved in that?
Tell him my fingerprints are the proof.

How come that my dress is stained in blood?

I'm dreading it and wearing my black dress,
You're running out of my story step by step

That you are awake
And I'm blind,


Once a fortune teller read the tea leaves
Opposite the moon a man committed suicide
Shades of moon haunted the child
Goes on and on with no end.

I shot your shadow.

The fortune teller died.

You had two eyes and left them behind
And you covered the crow with your headscarf

Coffee to drink?

I was scared of coming days
I shot her dead.
I shot at her shadow.


Some coins are left on the ground
Should be given to the beggars.


My Last words: The winds are my witness
I asked for the ashes of some burnt leaves
For tonight I'm writing the world's most beautiful poem
The burnt leaves are my witness.



Don't block my blood circulation!
Many years ago
I was sitting on the veranda of a palace you had furnished it
All the seas of the world said goodbye
In Nineveh
A Phoenician girl
Was tearing her liver up to pieces…
Nightmares of the past,
Have taken the lady's long skirt,

(The stage light is not enough!)

Because they were so cruel to the mountains
A tongue-tied animal had to drudge
They have taken the lady's long skirt!


On the fading shadows of the night
There was an engraved woman you didn't know
The woman was telling your fortune and you didn't know
She was in love with tea leaves and the alarm clock
But you didn't know
There's no clue...!
(The stage light is not enough!)


How I twisted her skirt to spin and spin over
All the dancers of the world became green with envy
They cannot dance divinely as I do!
It's a puppet in my hand
Could be turned to any side
If you don't know how to dance
Merry go round then
Merry clap hands
Merry snap fingers!

I've been lost into the shadows
You're tracing a maze in a labyrinth.


I'm sitting in the drought with no air
Breathing without you.


The labyrinth walls:
Goodbye the last shadow I had! Bye!
I've been projected to a perplexed eternity
The engraved dead woman is your dream afterlife
Every braided hair outcry in reawakening


How can I reveal?
What have you done with my stolen life?
The wax glued my shoes on that sticky platform
How can I reveal?


It was the dinner time
(The stars snapped their fingers, the moon is singing my birthday song but the cake is poisoned, that very moment I was going to die …there was no air to breathe in my room!)
-I'll let you know later!


There you clap and clap and clap till I turn to a five-year old little girl
There you scream and scream and scream till the windows all fade away
There you...
Stop it!
Numbers are getting discounted!
I'm shortening in size like a teeny-tiny shape
Don't you believe it?


Ask your watch that constantly stops working
You set the time in a way to put the whole world into sleep


I'm too little to be able to fight with these monsters
But I've taken the pulse of the world,
Forget me!
I have to leave you!


Here is a woman who is laughing out loud at you and the whole world
This woman is a descendant of your sinful aunt
All the blasphemy of world over my hair
How can I undo my stitches over your neck?
How can I breach the veins of your neck that I had once kissed and stitched them?


I'm sitting in the drought with no air
Breathing without you.


There's a woman beside you who farewells to the oceans
Time to sail!
Her long black skirt
My long black skirt
The seas are drunk, roaring
A woman in a small boat is laughing out loud here
Time to sail!
The day you haunted my shadow
Its heavy weight is ringing into my ears; generation by generation
It breaks my heart and has divided the world in two
You stole the colossal part.

Draw the curtains and blow into the sky!
The heaven's ceiling is so low
The chariots of death would write on our graves:

'They were in love
The Heaven's ceiling wasn't high enough.'

How well you've crucified my dreams to the wall
A Phoenician woman sighed and cursed deeply
I see the ruins of Baalbek blaze in fire flames,
You became David,
And I was Shulamite…

The Dead Pigeons,
The Dead Pigeons,
The Dead Pigeons,
The Dead…
Dead Pigeons
Dead Pigeons

A small grave has been made here for a child,
It's our child that has been buried
Our hearts are sinking like the child's grave
Soaring trees are being uprooted, they're overturning and collapsing
Its heavy weight has been ringing into my ears from generation to generation
I made a small grave underneath the trees,
And stretched my heart on the grave and the sky darkened
We are the legends of this dream
You've beheaded Abraham's child,
Hagar with no child became me.

Draw the curtains!
This is neither a fiction nor a dream
The reality has been written in the footnotes:
I'm sailing away though my heart is still here.

(This is the end of the play,
You've acted well, but
Ophelia is dead,
This is the end of play,
Why is your voice so quiet that the audience can't hear that?
And my hand movements are freezing on this dark stage
Look at my freezing fingers…

The stage light is not enough! …)

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