Luke 12: 48 'To Whom Much Is Given Much Is Required' Poem by Luke Easter

Luke 12: 48 'To Whom Much Is Given Much Is Required'

Don’t stop to build a house where you should pitch a tent,
Paying on a negative mortgage instead of positive rent,
The valley that you are in now is one truly heaven sent,
To train you for a much bigger more meaningful event.

Keep pushing forward instead of shifting in reverse,
Deuteronomy 30: 19, choose the blessing over the curse,
I was in a church and the minister didn’t think I’d prevail,
Left so fast my underwear had to be shipped in Monday’s mail.

Yeah, it still hurts even more and there are sky-high bills,
Worse being addicted to prescription pain killing pills,
Especially when it now takes three to do the job of one,
There’s the loneliness of darkness with an afternoon sun.

Never align yourself with or listen to unbelieving others,
Teachers, leaders, blood related as in sister or brother,
People, who are always complaining, sick and broke,
Do not let your neck be hung by their negative rope.

Jeremiah 29: 11, I have plans to prosper you and not harm,
Now is not the time to be squeamish and sound the alarm,
God’s blessing will never manifest and claim it’s proper place,
Allowing the failure of a quitter to force you from the race.

More often than not when employers are seeking to hire,
It’s for the position of someone the company had to fire,
This poem is written for the sole purpose to help all stay cool,
God did not bring you this far just to say, “April Fool’s.”

Who can have any kind of testimony without a grueling test?
Whole idea behind training camp is to separate worst from best,
Continue to give praise, honor and glory, magnify the Master,
Only God in the name of Jesus can save you from your disaster.

From the devil, our Lord and Savior was under constant attack,
Satan caused the disciple Judas to stab our Messiah in the back,
Why be surprised when friends do the same, it really doesn’t matter,
Psalm 1: 1, don’t you stand or sit in a seat where the scornful gather.

Only the faithful word of God will forever be tried, pure and true,
If I doubt it, then I should stop serving Him and start serving you,
We’ve been given a gift but there’s still need to develop the fruit,
Even a seasoned Army Ranger will not jump without a parachute.

1st Corinthians 15: 58, stand fast, act bold, dare to call the devil’s bluff,
God will promote you but you’ll have to go through some serious stuff,
Yeah, but it’s been weeks, months, years and I still haven’t got..,
Two words come to mind when trusting in the Lord, “fear not.”

Have you succeeded when everything around you pointed to fail?
Are you among the innocent instead of where you belong, in jail?
Guilty but never has your family had to hang their head in shame,
Whenever a conversation arises & someone mentions your name.

When all odds are against you why be surrounded in doubt?
Luke 1: 37, all things are possible, God will bring you out,
When feeling depressed, ache, pain, wearied and tired,
Luke 12: 48, 'To whom much is given, much is required.'

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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