Loving You From Afar Poem by William Mowell

Loving You From Afar

I can't live without your touch, why can't I break this crutch

I need your love here tonight, you keep me searching for the light

I need the one I've never had, thinking about it makes me sad

I can taste your lips, I can feel your hips

I've reached a stop light in my soul, my mind like jello in a plastic bowl

Waiting for a green light pass, I wont let this be the last

I love you from afar, in the front seat of my car

Never knowing your touch, but needing it, I could write a book and make it a huge hit

But I could never ask you out, even though my heart wants to shout

Loving you from afar, right out side my car

I can't seem to knock on the door, as my heart falls to the floor

So close but still a hundred miles away, maybe today I'll knock on the door and stay

I'll keep loving you from afar, another day in my car

Right outside your door, I need you even more than before

I sit here day after day, like a stalker just miles away

Never able to go to your door, always walking the floor

I try to look cool, but always ending up the fool

You never notice me, and I can never make you see

I can love you like that, but all you want is an act

My love is real and beating, is your's even breathing

A manikin to prounce around with, and you always plead the fifth

I have an empty pedestal waiting for someone, all the paperwork has been done

All you have to do is sign on the dotted line, and celebrate with a glass of wine

William Mowell

William Mowell

West Palm Beach, FL
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