Lovers Vs. Friends Poem by JenOfPoetry METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING

Lovers Vs. Friends

Attraction is there
Lover vs. Friends
One deeper than the other
Feelings ring different tones
How do you express attraction in a lesser vernacular?
That won't bring despair and broken heartedness
High hopes of the past came to a fall and broke into
Countless pieces for that reason
Unable to enter into the room
Of closeness and intimacy without passing judgment...
Wondering if this time will be the same as before
Looking for signs to post up
An indication that moving from the situation
Is necessary to keep from enduring the pain that has
Hindered the advancement of romantic encounters
Sensations of being intimate does not flow thru the body
In a way that desire and sensuality should.
Fear and pain has become one with the soul
Locking the emotions and heart behind steal walls of solitary confinement
Without the possibility of parole
Therefore allowing little room, if any to let something of a committed persuasion
To reside.

Not wanting to destroy the love that exist in his heart
That can be given to another
How do you express love of a plutonic nature
To one who has massive affection
Of love that runs deeper than family roots
Whereas here,
Adoration and admiration present gratefulness and are honored to have such a person in existence
Love runs the polished surface that covers the dark pits of
Torment and anguish.
Not wanting to pass judgment based on pass relations
The comparisons
The similarities
The analogies
That is not fair
Although the intent to such is not warranted it
Will unintentionally authorize it to become the boss
In making decisions of how the person is a replication of former
So many have laid worthless
Promises of providing better than the others
A repetitious catchphrase that are
Dictations of failure
Unable to cash any of them in
To suffice the coordination of my heart.

So explain to me
How do you translate sentiments of affection
In a way that does not kill the connection
Leaving both in a world of perplexing sorrow?
Can a love remain as a friend without
The demise of both?
Lovers vs. Friends
Complication in the pair
Especially when one is reluctant
To desirous pursuits

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