Love Remember A Night Poem by Mbusya Wa Mbusya

Love Remember A Night

Do you remember sounds of a night
With strikes of a light,
Do you remember thrill of tears
With trolls of fears
Do you remember burst of a laugh
And coos of a dove,
A night of notes and symphony,
A plight of hearts with destiny;
It was grey and pale,
It was breeze then gale,
It was cloudy then rainy,
It was gloomy and no sunny,
...Imagine a moon-less night,
Imagine a star-less stud night.
But we sat there smoking marijuana,
You'd say the wisps travelled to Guyana,
We'd puff and hope our gods take stock,
You'd then talk longingly of 'marabou stork',
...And it broke my heart to listen,
It hurt my very soul to imagine,
When you stammered and coughed,
Then you tried to mumble but cried,
...I was always watching you,
I was always feeling for you,
Seeing you so lonely,
It did hurt me deeply,
It was then straight free fall,
No grudges at all against all.
Those were the moments, that night
Those were the times, now worn out
Love, those were the days,
Sometimes in late nineties!
And it breaks my heart to remember,
And pains my soul every other November.

Friday, January 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love and friendship
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