Little Peon Poem by Deidre Dixon

Little Peon

You think I’m a little peon who has absolutely nothing really to offer
You treat me like I’m “the help” or some limo driving chauffer
You totally blow me off when I try to lend my assistance
You meet whatever I offer you with your critical resistance
You can’t even see how a little peon like me could do anything for you
You figure I don’t have the monetary or material status as those people you are trying to pursue
You see that I’m a gifted individual, but you don’t see how you can use my gift
You see what you think other people have as useful, but I’m the little peon you sift
You don’t want to hear what I have to say or receive valuable insight I have to lend
You haven’t seen much fruit at all from those swarming around you, but over backwards you bend
You think they are going to get you somewhere because of what they have and who they know
You haven’t even discerned their motives and whether or not they are friend or foe
You only seem to go after those who you think are where you desire to be
You don’t even realize how God’s plan for your destiny could include a little peon like me
You are going to find out real soon how ignoring this little peon has been a big mistake
You are going to see how your ignorance has caused big delays in your ultimate fate
You are going to learn from this that you cannot be a respecter of persons
You are going to learn how a little peon can be sent by God so that you can increase and not worsen
You are going to see through this little peon’s success how God was trying to prosper you
You are going to learn most of all that without God, you are a mere peon too

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