Life Poem by Jessica Millsaps


Life is like a river, it can be quiet, than very loud
You get once around this mighty track
Be your run slow, mild, or fast
Choose not now what your future shall be
Choose only now

Live you in the country, where work gets done
Or live you in the city, where work gets made
Live not an old geezers life, yet only your own
Have fun, outside, and in your home

Around you circles a world full of people and things
No time to sit and wait, no none at all
Keep this track going as long as you can
Run your race, then swiftly fade away

Our river ebbs and flows as if it will never stop
Yet, the circle of life catches up
Be you youthful or old, keep your spirit
Let it run, wild and free

Once you've run your race and I've run mine
Shall I see you on the other side?
Let us leave the rest to later days
And show what we shall, untill we go seperate ways

Just take my hand if we be friends
Put our wrongs behind and do amends
Leave the hope in what is to come
Give up the guilt and just run

Now, look up at the stars
They remember me
My dreams, my name
They do, do you?

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