Leaves Transient Artists Paint Canvas Of Seasons Poem by Terence George Craddock

Leaves Transient Artists Paint Canvas Of Seasons

in lands of deep snow drift winters
where ice frost-kissed pines stand sentinel
winter like a hungry wolf bites into tree bark
spring birth is thaw push breakthrough
spring fragile timid tiptoes forth
a season still waiting for new life hope
buds unfold unfurl delicate green sweet
first growth promising life's leaf resurgence

summer shouts boasts vibrant seasonal new life
summer throws open green sleeves sun-kissed arms
days long wake warm burn hot in midday heat
days long stretch carefree into late afternoon shadows
shadows of youth laughter echoes through meadows
shadows happy warm kiss dust afternoon shadows linger

seasons shift late autumn arrives leaves flutter
branches once fresh green leaf heavy in wind whisper no longer
branches thin leaf stripped as leaves rustle fall crimson memories
leaves strip shed summer attire transformed turned cloaked amber
air wears holds a crisp nostalgia earth sighs bittersweet surrender
leaf symphony rain falls down red russet orange yellow crimsons

leaves whisper secrets of change
secrets of endings beginnings intertwined
once leaves were chemistry green contained
an abundance of chlorophyll green pigment
essential for photosynthesis as leaves absorbed
energy from sunlight converted into sugars

to feed the tree but as autumn days grew shorter
temperatures dropped colder colder trees received
less direct sunlight chlorophyll in leaves
started breaking down chlorophyll light diminishing fades
away other pigments already present in photosynthesis leaves
become visible in transformations yellow orange pigments

hues masked by dominant chlorophyll during warmer months
begin magic immergence as chlorophyll light diminishes
yellow orange pigments carotenoids emerge as autumn cools
creating natures palette painted scenery warm autumn colors
trees like oaks dogwoods produce abundant red leaves
darker red color results from autumn chemical changes

sugars trapped in the leaves generate new pigments
anthocyanins were not pigment part of leaves
during spring summer growing season but
become prominent as fall cold sets in
now answer an autumn question

why are some autumns colours glorious
others not this is cause effect variation in seasons
best colors are produced when weather is
dry sunny cool not cloudy damp warm conditions
which will not won't yield intense degrees of changing colors

leaves transient artists paint canvas of seasons
with organic pigment weather delicate strokes
leaf artists spring unfurl paint tender promises
emerald green hues against deep blue clear skies
each leaf newborn stretches for sunlight warm rays

leaves an opera of foliage dancing in fresh breeze
leaves as summer arrives lush vibrant deepen their hues
leaves countless wondrous shelter birds cradle raindrops
leaves whisper secrets insect animal lives to wind trees
leaves a verdant symphony sway in greenery celebrations

autumn is ever mystic mysteries eye catching transformations
leaves photosynthesis sugar factories feeding trees graduate classes
don their distinguished golden cloaks chlorophyll fades as memories
leaves compete blaze scarlet amber canary tawny in paint final bursts
life slowly fading clinging to branches twigs in last failing life breaths

winter light stealing approaches slumber slow cold crawl days
branches absorb last nutrients absorbed from fading leaves
winter trees build protective seal between lost leaves branches

leaves give up life ghost lose grips in final descent falls
leaves deciduous surrender fall to gravity constant pulls
leaves falling from trees ghosts of summer's green embrace

leaves separate flutter gently descending to never met ground
a poetic farewell to last cloud sunlight sight branch heights
leaves carpet autumn earth a crisp mosaic crunching underfoot

leaves gather lifeless fallen piles their veins once lifelines
now etched in delicate patterns on frost-kissed mornings
leaves life journey through seasons each leaf life whispers

a personal colourful tale of growth change quiet
resilience leaves transient artists paint canvas glorious
seasons in light pigment weather delicate strokes

leaves have become heroes an insulating warmth blanket
protecting tree roots from winter's teeth cruel cold bite
air grows crisp a harbinger warns snow ice will soon come

winter descends an icy shroud sap has fallen
winter breath a biting chill hunger gnawing
winter relentless claims ruthless merciless cull

frozen death awaits those who shelter late
a quiet beauty a white snow stillness haunts
wind haunts howls frost etches soul patterns

on windowpanes sealing life's fragile fate
a warm glow at night indoors challenges
frozen death outdoors where winter awaits

winter steals life a sharp chill cold relentless
grasp a quiet beauty innocent turns deadly storms
in stillness aftermath winter silence toll counts

winter seals intelligent strongest survive breed
life weaves threads breath adaptive resilience
life is a time tapestry seasons forever entwined

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Split image from the poem 'Nature Seasons Animal Life Experiences', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Complete version of the split images 'Spring Thaw Punch Breakthrough', 'Summer Throws Open Sun-Kissed Arms', 'Seasons Shift Late Autumn Arrives', 'Leaves Whisper Secrets Of Change', 'Photosynthesis Sunlight Energy: Leaves Converted Into Sugars', 'Nature's Palette Painted Scenery Warm Autumn Colors', 'Leaf New Pigment Colours As Fall Cold Sets In', 'Autumns Colours Glorious Weather Seasoned', 'Each Leaf Newborn Stretches Seeks Sunlight Warm Rays', 'Leaves Countless Wondrous', 'Autumn Mystic Mysteries Eye Catching Transformations', 'Winter Trees Cold Seal Branches', 'Autumn Leaves Falling Ghosts Of Summer's Green Embrace', 'A Crisp Mosaic Crunching Underfoot', 'Leaves Journey Through Seasons Each Leaf Life Whispers', 'Autumn Leaf Colourful Tales', 'Autumn Leaves Are Heroes Protecting Tree Roots', 'Winter Descends An Icy Shroud', 'Wind Haunts Howls Frost Etches Soul Patterns', 'Windowpanes Sealing Life's Fragile Fate', 'Winter Steals Life Chill Cold Relentless' and 'Life A Time Tapestry Seasons Forever Entwined', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in February 2024 on the 27&28.2.2024.
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