Ku Wire Poem by Preston Mwiinga

Ku Wire

Ku wire
The devil 😈 came to me and extended his arm for me to join his army, I looked at him and said, hell No ivo sinizachita, I'm am comfortable being called wana wamulungu osati mwana wa satan'a.

I thought the minion was going to give up, little did I know he was going to find million ways to trap me into his web. He studied my moves that no one can ever be comfortable being called a Satanist because of the mind-set that Satanism is all about wealth and blood sacrifice but truth be told, if we follow his wicked ways then we become Satanists

He came to me again and convinced me how boring Christianity is, slowly I fell into his trap. I joined him Ku wire

It all seemed I was enjoying real life there because I got my fame, I got money, girl of all types nina tenga. Be it the fat ones, the slender ones, the melanin, the coloured I was just changing kwati lumvwi
I had just realized the time I wasted just seating in church that was the time I realized, time is always money and it was time to enjoy making money. Being closer to God was boring sichenzo lili.
I became an expert in sin and I think the devil now became my student and at the same time i felt he always got advise from me on how to commit certain sin.
Hell broke loose when the satana mujelekezi delt with us separately ku wire, he got a naked cable and connect it ku wire, tina dizimuka kumufuna kusilizika.
Ku wire became so hot; I lost the fame and got my shame. I lost the wealth, I lost the devil himself, he was looking at me and laughing at me ku wire like a man watching lions caged Ku wire ku munda wanga.

When all hope was lost Christ, reminded me of his infinity love for me. He told me that I remained ku wire, I was going to die in sin, he came, through, extended his hand to me to get saved from drowning in sin because there was no way I was going to survive ku wire.
With tears I gave him my hand, he had already discounted Zesco malaiti ku wire and cut the wire without haddles. He took me home like a prodigal son and gave me a new life.
I also appeal to you choka ku wire of adultery, ku wire of gossips and hate. Choka ku wire of envy and jealous. Ku wire sikunila kwamulungu chilila and we can have anything we want.
The devil just want to use, you, musiye eka ku wire adizimuke eka.
Ku wire
Ku wire!

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