Killer On The Road Poem by Castellenas John

Killer On The Road

Killer on the road

A Iraqi man sippedhis coffee,
He watched the military trucks drive by.

He looked to the sky and murmur a pray,
I will miss you my wife, my children.
He caressed his chest,
he feel the bomb wrapped tightly against his body.

His eyes are sad and he knows he has no choice,
they killed his brothers,
they came to his country and torn it down to rubble.

He believed in a eye for a eye,
he will be in paradise soon.
Tears fall from his eyes as he think of his wife sleeping alone.

Soldier with M-16 loaded and ready.
He told his buddy going to be a good night,
going to kill a few of them damnterrorist.

His buddy with a bible in his hand,
prayed to survive the night without firing his guns.
He whispered, I pray I make it through the night.
Please lord keep me safe and let me go home soon.

The city is quiet and the soldier are on alert.
The gunner pass the coffee to his friends,
told him, my eyes are seeing ghosts again.

He watched the morning light began to appear,
he thinks of a mother and father waiting and hoping to see him,
he makes a mental note to call them tomorrow.

A middle age Iraqi man walked down the street in the early morning,
his hands are sweating,
he see two soldiers guarding a government building.

The gunner asked his buddy was the man a ghost in the distance?
He put the bible down and told him he is real.

The soldier looked at his bible,
points his weapon at the man.
He raised his hand to halt the Iraqi Man.

The Iraqi man screamed out his daughter name and Allah,
runs toward the soldier.

The soldier aimed his M-16 and shoot three rounds into the man chest.

The Iraqi man fell dead,
The soldier went to him.
Fell down and asked god to forgive him.

He opened up the jacket and saw the bomb and photos.
It still don't bring comfort to the soldier.

The soldier sat on his cot,
he hold pictures of a man's wifewith two children,
he wondered why he has to kill this man?

He should of been home tossing a football with his brother or something.

He cries for the Iraqi he killed.
Old Sargent said he was a hero,
those terrorist are just killers on the road,
waiting for us to end their misery.
He bring his bible to his heart and tries to sleep.

The gunner wake him up,
He told him we are on again tonight.

He puts the bible on the table,
dressedinto battle gear and walked out of his tent.
He leave the bible tonight on the table.

He had bad dreams,
he dreamed he was the killer on the road.

He would do his duty and go home,
he don't talk of God or Jesus anymore,
he just wishes for the blood to leave his hands.

The gunner smiled.
He yelled maybe we can kill a few tonight.
His buddy smile and stare at the road.


© 2012 Coyote Poetry

Sunday, January 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: soldier,war and peace
War teaches us to value life.
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