Just One Can Make A Difference Poem by Mary Nagy

Just One Can Make A Difference

They say that I am clueless about reality.
They say ''Nobody really cares about morality.''

They say ''People are evil and hurt you when they can''.
They say ''You're such a fool to even try to save one man''.

They say ''You have to face it and accept whatever is''.
I say ''That may be your plan, but I doubt that it is HIS''.

I plan to make a difference for all our kids to see.
I don't need your discouragement, just try to stand by me.

If we don't even try to change this crazy messed up place
how can we bare to look our children squarely in the face?

I won't give in to what you say, I'll walk this lonely path.
I'd rather err this side of love than sit and watch the wrath.

I'd like to think you're with me and that you truly see
just one can make a difference....please try to hear my plea.

Chinedu Dike 31 October 2014

A journey of a million miles begins with a single step. The bandwagon effect is a very serious problem in the world we live in today. A well articulated poem written with insight to capture the essence of the poem and the conviction of the poet. A lovely piece indeed. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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Tranquil Ocean 11 January 2007

We do hear! ! I am sure he will also hear.... Love...TO

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