Just An Observation Poem by Tex T Sarnie

Just An Observation

I don't know how many times
I've heard women say,
‘Men are all the same.'
But do women really believe
that all men have one-track minds,
with one specific aim?

‘You men only want one thing, '
women quite often say.
Talk about giving a dog a bad name.
Why do women frequently tar all men
with the same brush?
Is it necessary to lay the blame?

Women are well known for saying,
‘Men are self-centred and selfish
and care only about their selves.'
But how can they honestly say that,
when according to most women,
men are a hazard to themselves?

‘I always have to tidy up after you,
you would happily live in a pigsty.
I just don't know why I bother.
Your shirts wash and iron themselves
just like your socks and underpants.
I blame your doting mother.'

Women always have to have the last word,
and do their utmost to find fault,
they just love to grind men down.
They're naturally, cunning, and devious,
and look for any excuse, or opportunity,
to make us feel useless and mentally unsound.

Hey, I'm first to admit we're far from perfect,
and sometimes we really do struggle
to do the simple things at home.
It's not as though we're above domesticity,
it's just that our hunter gatherer origins
have not evolved as much as woman's moan.

Women spend ages looking for their ‘right man',
but in reality, a man that has true potential.
Deep inside we men are against change and indignity,
but we don't realise what is happening until it's too late.
It's when someone tells you, that you are a different person,
you have changed your views, character, and personality.

Of course, your dearly beloved spouse would never deceive you.
She tells you that you are almost perfect, but not quite,
there is always room for improvement.
You then just smile and agree like a nodding dog.
When their task is complete, they find another man,
one who was once like you, exciting, and confident.

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