Judge Ready? Poem by Cloe C

Judge Ready?

I look around the room with an innocent smile
ask everyone are you ready
is my judge ready
mere moments before I start spewing out statistics aggressively
that last moment before I talk
everyone in the room absorbs the nice girl standing up
after 4 minutes of constructive they're left staring at a demon
the new girl that grew devil horns to stab you with
listening to my last sentence of butterflies and fairies
before diving into the darkest parts of the fault lines
the nice girl is just the bag checker
and now it's time to get on the plane ready to crash
opponents say life isn't fair
why should we make life more fair
society is constantly crumbling under the last generation of keep going and don't look back
opponents rather hold the impact of the economy
the economy is causing inflation which leads to starvation
starvation leads to homelessness and
homelessness leads to fatalities
opponents say our framework is wrong
analyzing how the cons are outweighing the pros
giving the magnitude of this hypothetical in the status quo
our impact is deaths not economic gain
no one is ever truly ready for what I have to say
why ask my judge if their ready
I will always be ready to lay down my points
judge will never be ready to listen, no more asking is my judge ready

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