It's Sunday Poem by anais vionet

It's Sunday

Sunday's an auspicious day to suggest
that you, as a student, take a recess
In order to try and decompress
from our studying and stress

Now, of course, if you're so possessed,
or some might even say obsessed,
you could study for a test,
we all want to do our best
but some work habits can oppress
and leave one all depressed

Just take a needed rest
and if your needs are unaddressed
get caressed when you're undressed
some would have that thought suppressed
or simply left it unexpressed
but under oath I would attest
and to a priest I have confessed
all my roommates acquiesced
that for relaxation it's the best
and quickest way to get unstressed

there are a hundred things I could suggest
you type 'A's tend to make everything a contest
in this, there are no professors for you to impress
this isn't a competitive, academic trap, trick or jest
I just know that, on Monday, this girl will be refreshed

It's Sunday
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: humor,stress,university,relax,fun
Denis Mair 01 May 2023

That was quite a rhyming feat. I think rhyme works very well with naughty themes. It's funny how we need it and don't need it.

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anais vionet 02 May 2023

This one isn't great art. I was looking at a couple of words unaddressed and undressed and began gathering words with similar endings and just spiraled out of control from there. Then I wanted to see if I could spin a narrative featuring those words. Again, just fun, not great art =]

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anais vionet

anais vionet

Paris, France
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