Hit Title Date Added
Cat Eyes Girl

Men turn to behold her when she walks by!
She cat-walk so majestically like the stars in procession;
Flaunting her bedroom assets in the gallery of seduction
And the art of her abysmal nudity on the high bid,

Beautiful And Compelling

You may not know
But you are everything
A man would long for
You are an enigma

Struggle To Manhood

Shall my sorrow once turn to laughter?
Who is he that has prophesied?
You false prophet hold it to yourself.
When shall I become a man? When?

Martin Luther King Jr.

I am a semi- Martin
A Luther-an
Brother to the king

The Man Died

He is my man! He is my man;
He died-He died a miseries death.
Hollow it beats my mind
Of this great injustice, minor offence punishable by death?

Great Akuku

Great mother—Queen of the Great coast ‘Akuku-Toru'
Oh! Akuku you who by thy mighty divided
The sombrero with sparkling golden rays
Of the flowing tide of the sea at the evening of the oceans,

Cruelty In Beauty

Out of a little insanity
I called you Helios
The sun about which my
Whole life is centered

Distinct Woman Of Mine

So much do I love her!
And so much I'm in her
How can I do without her?
Mine everything is in her.

My Viking 1

My Viking beauty in full sail,
Most sacrosanct of beauties;
The moon and stars in their splendor,
Even the sun in all its glamour paled

His Last Words

The world was not his friend, nor the world's laws
The world affords no law to make him rich but poor was he not
For, he sups and gave to the poor once and again to their necessity
But they that sup with him labeled him a new name "inmate"

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