It's Sad Poem by Christopher Biddle

It's Sad

Its sad to be wished dead
I know
Even by those who are close

Do you have nightmares
Of your death
Or are they dreams

How many times have you heard I wish you were dead
Personally, Ive heard that phrase too many times

Even my own family wishes me dead
They might not say those words
But the truth lies in their eyes

Its sad I know
But I wonder why
What have I done

I thought you loved me
Or even cared about me
I guess I was wrong

I understand you want me dead
If thats true, then why don't you
Stop denying the truth

Trust me the truth can't hurt me
But your words can
They cut deeper than any knife

Hurt harder than any pain known to man kind
And all because Im me
Tell me, whats wrong with me

Aye, I love you
But all family does
Once I hoped the feeling was mutual

But I was deadly wrong
So wrong it cost me my life
My blood pooling in a circle

Around my pale, slowly dying body
Seeping and flowing to your feet
You smile in glee

That your deed is finally done
Can you walk away and leave me
To slowly bleed and die all alone on
The cold ground floor

As i lay there, dying
I wonder how you of could done this
Put the knife into my heart so easy

And stand there as you watch me fall
Can you actually be that cold and cruel
Or is just me

Does it burn your blood, which we share
Does it turn your heart so cold
I know its sad

But that is the truth, people don't kill
Family does
Understand this Keith, why me

There are thousands of people who should
Die why choose me, I ask
And your answers were family.

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