It's Hard To Imagine Nothing Poem by Royston Allen

It's Hard To Imagine Nothing

It's hard to imagine Nothing:

No breadth,
no length,
no depth,
no height.

no time,
no space,
no life,
no light.

no atoms,
no sun,
no moon,
no stars.

no Saturn,
no Jupiter,
no Earth,
no Mars

Absolutely Nothing:

and nowt.

So how did it all happen, how did this Universe come about?

Let's go back to the beginning before time had begun
and stand in the presence of God the Eternal One.
Time and space have no meaning in this spiritual world
but watch now, as our Universe is unfurled

Back at the beginning God said "Let there be, "
and out of nothing made the universe that we see.
The timeless "Eternal Now" had been broken
as these creative words by God were spoken.

With a mighty bang the universe exploded
as each photon with God's power was loaded
it travelled forward at such a colossal pace
transforming the unformed regions of space.

From this first moment, time started to tick away
and the minutes and hours became the first day.
The curvature of space was being transformed
and out of nothing the universe was formed

Sub atomic particles entered onto to the scene.
Then atoms and molecules could be seen
In its infancy the universe began to grow
and it filled the emptiness as it did so.

The universe had become the dwelling place
for all of the stars and galaxies existing in space.
It continued expanding and as time moved on,
into virgin territory with its new creation.

Then one day upon a speck of cosmic dust called Earth
the species of Homo sapiens had its birth
Today, many aeons later, they look up at the sky
and ask searching questions such as "How" and "Why? "

Monday, December 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: nothing,universe
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