It Doesn'T Matter My Friend! Poem by Major Elazia

It Doesn'T Matter My Friend!


Since the era of a time gone I have been writing

Not what comes from the spirit of my heart,

Nor the renditions of my soul,

But the joyous creativity of my pen

But time has come to set a flame burning

To let its dancing light shine in the shadows

For a new inspiration now grips my world

In the words of songs so much as forgotten

What is it that lies so deep in your heart,

That you find it hard to surface it unto your mind,

Where from the voice shall you clothe your silent words

And give the world a token excess of what it deserves?

For so many lies I have lived to tell,

For so many adventures I have lived to cover,

Hope is but sometimes the fame of illusion

When the true sense of meaning is deleted from it

I pen this not inspire you to a page of love

But just to wax and wane in my forgotten talent

To which I entwine, like a river's flow, my pen to paper, words then must come

In this joyous creativity some latent talent grows

It doesn't matter, my dear, it doesn't matter, my lyrical friends

Life is but a cycle 'to which no traveller returns'

It doesn't matter, my fans, it doesn't matter, my cynical critics

Nothing impossible, lovers of art, nothing is difficult, skeptics of art

I have a lady friend of mine, unfortunately one day when I was trying to pen up a love poem she misread evrything and avoided me, thinking I had developed 'intentions', yet she knew I love poetry and many a time would try the effect of a poem to her. After that episode, this is what I wrote in reminiscence
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