Impossible Poem by Ragy Sandid


Rating: 5.0

To wake to be in love
That's possible
Because hearts float to me
That's probable

To wake to season's change
That's possible
Even though few admit
That that's doable

To wake to find that
Which was not expected
Is possible
But seldom suspected

To change from that which will do
To an overflow
Is one of possibilities
But one will never know how that will go

But to challenge the whale
In the sea or dance with the sharks
Is impossible
Like seeing one's way in the forest of the night in the dark

Or stand fast against the waves
As come crushing down turning
Every breath into gasps and eyeballs
Into playthings as one is discerning

What is possible and impossible
What people say and never do
Or what people do but never say
Which makes humans better of the two

Sometimes it is impossible to be in love
But love itself is not impossible
A change of season is always heard of
But never thought, till one's in it, probable

Sometimes to be over the top
Is most times an impossibility
But some keep climbing to the top
Unhinged by signs of immobility

Long standing and facing odds
Are humans' list of impossible
Yet it is the very force that drives them
To make the impossible possible

Saturday, October 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: changes
Bernard F. Asuncion 14 October 2017

Such a fine poem, Ragy......

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Kumarmani Mahakul 14 October 2017

Heart floats and love is possible. Long standing and facing odds means long standing of list of impossible things. An amazing brilliant poem is shared.

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