Imagination Poem by Mark Spencer


Rating: 5.0

Where has imagination gone?
It seems in short supply.
Our songs, our books, our movies too,
Have picked the market dry!

What became of inspiration?
When did it disappear?
How did that spark of magic die?
The answer isn't clear!

Our books depend on swearing now.
And sex is glorified!
The graphic use of carnal words
Has now been amplified!

A wizard with Sam Jackson's mouth,
Seems slightly out of place!
A nun who sleeps with randy priests,
Is sure to fall from grace!

Our music blends into itself,
It's hard to spot the mix.
The four chords every song contains
Are one, four, five, and six!

And movies are the worst of all!
Their gimmicks are the same!
With language, sex, and CGI,
It really is a shame!

Remakes, reboots, and comic books,
Make up what they release.
The comic books keep them afloat,
But rarely bring them peace!

When they remake a former hit,
The remake always fails.
And when they reboot a franchise,
The reboot always pales!

When they depend on CGI.
The story loses zest.
And tokenizing politics,
Will always fail the test!

The problem is they think the same.
They won't allow free thought!
They cancel those who don't agree
With every single plot!

There is one ideology!
No thinking of your own!
Your stories have to fall in line!
The plots are set in stone!

With no one there to challenge you
Or your inspiration,
How can ideas be refined,
Without cultivation?

Our minds adapt to obstacles,
Agreement sparks no flame.
What hinders makes the brain evolve,
Not minds that think the same!

Your brain requires exercise,
Just as your muscles do.
You can't get that from "I agree"!
Resistance feeds the two!

Whichever way expression goes,
So will go creation.
The thing that makes us all unique
Is imagination!

Thomas Watkins 29 August 2021

'A wizard with Sam Jackson's mouth, seems slightly out of place! ' That's exactly why I hated Game Of Thrones! Knights and wizards who sounded like they belonged on the streets of New York, was weird! You made really good points in this one! Very good!

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