If I Could Resist..! Poem by Arun Achudh

If I Could Resist..!

Unknown or unaware we fall in love,
Like crimson tide it grows,
Digging past the ramparts of my heart,
Heave up and hard to redeem;
Habits and senses change
U lose weight yet u feel heavy,
U cry and cry till ur tears dry,
With no hint of the reason why;

Sittin in the dark and starving by,
Everywhere u see the face of the one who made u cry;
Through ur breath and into ur blood,
Made not only ur lungs but ur hearts compress;
Ur streets empty, ur heart beatin by,
U sit alone ashore and on the lane she passed by;
Talkin yourself about the days that passed,
Ur hands paint her name on the wet sand;
Hidin the tears that’s form other’s eyes,
Wearin smile as a mask ur days goes on..!

Ur world goes dark when she leaves,
Even deaths a friend that u never fear;
Getting back is jus unimaginative thing,
When u are caught by her soothing breath;
U feel and feel closing death
U expect her to shed at least a tear like urs;
Nothin more than her eyes could stop ur words,
I say these friends caz am too a freak.

It’s the same tide that hits me all day,
It’s the very feel that makes me cry;
My only breath & my living blood,
It’s the very same nights I never sleep,
The very same shore where I weep;
I wait in tears thicker than rain,
To see those days pass by again;
I wish if could resist things-but couldn’t
Its love’s unvarying rule that boys should never win…!

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