I Want That Heaven Life Poem by J Knight

I Want That Heaven Life

I want that heaven life/
my caskets surround by earth/
Dead again.
(Flowers and candles-my funeral.)

Life times out, lonely and powerful,
and sparkling sleeping pill candy relaxes you:
I lost my mind- the desert and all the mesa smiles stars.

She created me and gave me sickness
and painted me shining
Quite lovely.

Rusty afternoon, breathing the living oxygen, lives deaths, listen:
(she’s like poison candy/ she tastes good but she’s killing me)
I lost my mind- that desert full of crystalline stars, shattered
Across the sky, and the lonely dark universe-
A return to chaos, and the insanity of creation.
(“Don’t you know God’s insane? ”)

I hoped I’d die the way you run,
But I twist painfully and I shout with eyes, varnished a cool blue (my heart)

I can’t communicate this love, I feel
Feeling means more,
Than just this word.

At least when life clears, the true good God will signal.
(But I lost my mind- my desert and all the mesa smiles stars)

(So I sed, “yeah... I’m just an old poet.”
She sez, “you’re not old.”
“For my life span I am... I should have died years ago... in fact, I did die- my body just hasn’t caught on yet.”
She just looks at me, not knowing if I’m trying to be serious or not.)

J Knight

J Knight

Watertown, N.Y.
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