I Think If... Poem by tannyetta robinson

I Think If...

I think if you want to dropp out of college go ahead but have a back up plan. I think if you want to commit suicide take a few days and think cause there might be someone who don't want to lose you. I think if you want to shoot somebody then at least let it be a life and death situation. I think if you hold secrets its cause somethin is really killing you or already cause damage or maybe you're trying to keep from harming someone else but secrets kill so I guess you should reveal them with courage. I think if you ask your friends for advice you should hear them out even if you don't agree. I think if you want to stop loving someone go ahead but let them know why. I think if you are hurting and deeply scarred you should learn to love. I think if you hold grudges you should learn to let go and stop being bitter to those that done nothing to you..so your heart can heal completely. I think if you make a mistake that its okay cause you're human.. I think I actually said what was on my mind for once =)

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