I Stopped For Death Poem by Emmanuel Joseph Olumakiss

I Stopped For Death

Rating: 5.0

I stopped for death
When she could not come to me
Begging she pronounce my name
Squeeze and ravage my entire home
So I could sleep
And be heard no more
Period I stumbled and fell
And was stopped to rise again
Time living was a civil war
All i suffered was ill-health
When helpers could not reach my abode
To help lift me off defeat
Above my comfort zone
The distance between heaven
And earth a mile so long
Reason the dwellers
Refused giving ear to my pain
Being stagnant to a stand
A point I could not take
I had no option than reckon to demise
To come and reap my barricades apart
So my name will be heard no more
I crawl with the day till it goes blind
Busy growing worries and tears
Bidding my fate a farewell dirge
Till I have a low voice
When offered a choice
Though I could choose life
I decided to go for the worst
So as to stop visiting my past
I do crawl the deserted path
Where I always see death
On Red bloody sleeve
Roaming the street like god
Seeking for whom to devour
Standing in front of her I know no fear
Because I already know my end is near
My friendship becomes a thing so close
Since living in this world gives no hope
Only if I could be humble to death
By then i will know her strength
Alas my voyage is out of luck!
Being unable to behold demise at home
Time I stopped for death
And she could not come to me
I was some miles away
through the famished road
On my quest to find her home
Hoping death could behold my face
To steal my disarray and burdens away
And take me to a place that's a bit fair
Where there's no agony and penury to

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: ode
Nelson Madu 01 September 2020

Great form of lyric poetry full of emotions and tragedies about the poet’s difficult moment

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Dr Dillip K Swain 20 July 2021

Such a brilliant poem! Powerfully woven....5 stars

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Jannatul Merry 24 January 2021

Loved this writing!

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Thanks a lot dear Merry for your wonderful comment I appreciate

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Dr. Antony Theodore 24 January 2021

I do crawl the deserted path Where I always see death On Red sleeve Roaming the street like god Seeking for whom to devour.. great imagination my dear poet. thank you. tony

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Thanks immensely dear Tony for your great support and comments I am delighted

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Halimah Kubra 01 September 2020

I felt the plight of the poet,the miseries he went through thinking the best is the end of life

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Wole Adebayo 01 September 2020

EJO hardly fails when it comes to writing good poems, he comes clean with this. I love it.

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