I Stand Redeemed Poem by Bob Gotti

I Stand Redeemed

I stand Redeemed, for through The Blood of The Lord I was bought,
It was on The Cross of Christ that the war for my soul was fought.

He did not come for the righteous, but to seek and save all the lost,
His search did not bring Him treasure; instead it came at great cost.

The Lamb of God for me was slain and crucified upon a bloody cross,
Christ died for me, so that through Eternity I would not suffer loss.

The Son of God came to save but was mocked, scoffed at and despised,
This was by His own, lead by those who were wise in their own eyes.

When they were asked about Jesus, Crucify him! Is what they screamed,
Little did they know that through Christ God was saving the Redeemed.

He was lead to The Cross to die by men who were spiritually deceived,
But there were also men like Nicodemus who saw Christ and believed.

It was for the sins of His people, that The Lord Jesus was stricken.
And then Isaiah says that He was assigned a grave with the wicked.

It wasn't only for Israel He died, for on The Cross He took my place,
And all who like Nicodemus, can be saved through His Wonderful Grace.

Just as The Lord will discard all the wicked of the earth like dross,
The sins of all who believe are covered by The Blood of The Cross.

For ages the prophets looked towards a day of redemption and dreamed,
Now two thousand years later it's at The Cross that I stand Redeemed.

(Copyright © 04/2003)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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