I Decided Poem by travion hood

I Decided

Rating: 2.7

When you look at me what do you see? I see a young man that been through a lot of stuff. So let me tell you about me I was born July 19,1991 I was 4 pounds I was premature baby that was under the weight limit. And then after she had me she had my brother and sister. My mother was on drugs so the state took us away from her and put us in a foster home and we move from place to place then we stayed in the foster home called the rainbow house I stayed there until I was 5 year old and my brother and sisters they came with me everywhere I go they go. Then I remember one time I was their. I was out side and I was having a ball playing with the other kids. I was on my tricycle going around the parking lot and every time I turn I hit the breaks and go gliding across the parking lot. They told me to stop and when I kelp on doing it they told me to get off and sit on the curb and they say that I was in time out. And when we went in the first thing I saw was a woman and a man and I new then that they came to adopt me so I went up to them and said I’d love you and went on back playing with the other kids. Then once I got adopted they told me to pack my things and they told my brothers and sisters to pack their thing and I said goodbye to the big kids and the other kids that I was friends with. So when I got to the house they stayed in I was so glad a frown went upside down to a smile because there was toys filled the hole room and you just could see how happy we were. So as the day go by then years. Then what I found out that I was able to think like the normal kids was that I had ADHD and ADD and that I was special and I do a lot of that is so childish and I wasn’t able to comprehend as well. So when middle school hit I was on medication. So when I graduated from middle school I was in high school before I got to go to my favorite school that is Mundy’s Mill high school but I had to move so I move and I had to go to Banneker High school and I found a girl that I became friends with she was gothic so I started to hang with her so she got me into rock. And time of my junior year I met this girl her name is Kaleana Blackmon and we became friends and then I started to fall in love with her and I let her know that I’d love her and one day we was in the cafeteria and I started to sing and then once I was finish she wanted me to sing another song so I started to sing again but I pause because I didn’t know the words and I said I would sing Chris brown song “Say Goodbye “ and then I got close and kiss her and the whole cafeteria was jumping. And I said that I will be there for her always. She said okay so last summer her boyfriend broke up with her and she made it official and she ran away from home and I never saw her again. But this year my senior year I found someone she in this class can you guest she sit two seats in front of me.

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