I Dare Not Sleep Tonight, Lest My Chance Come In The Morning Poem by Andesikuteb yamusa

I Dare Not Sleep Tonight, Lest My Chance Come In The Morning

I dare not rest my head this night,
Not even to think,
Lest my chance comes very early in the morning,
And for sure it meets me unprepared,
Snoring like a fool.

I dare not sleep nor slumber,
Not now that am young and foolish
Or even later that I will be wise and old,
Lest my breakthrough comes and pass without me noticing or even saying hi.

A man who awaits glory never feels sleepy not even for a second,
Cos victory will elude such a man,
And all his turmoil,
All his struggle will go yet unnoticed.

A man with a dream to fend for,
At worst sleeps with his eyes open,
Searching in between the darkness of the night.
For deep in this black sky the good gold are.

A man with so much enemies dares not to leave his windows open,
Not even his lights on,
Cos that devil always sees,
And when he shoots he never misses.

A man,
A man
With his future in his palms,
Dares not to sleep even for a second.
Lest a stranger steals it.

Monday, December 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dream
Adeline Foster 28 December 2015

But then, one just may find a poem within a dream or perhaps a worthwhile dream within a dream. Read mine - O Night - Adeline

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