I Became Their Crutch Poem by Scarlet .....

I Became Their Crutch

Rating: 2.8

I was there for them
I held their hands
I fought away their fears
wiped away their tears
caught them when they started to fall
I helped them stand on their own two feet
I became the crutch for all those around me
and yet I have never been able to walk on my own
for I have been to busy focusing on others
I put myself last
I try to solved everyone’s problems
but mine
when anyone broke
I tried to put them back together
how come I can not do the same for myself
my world is crumbling around me
and all I do is worry what will happen to those around me
they do not care about me
so why is it that is all I do
it has gotten to the point
that if I do not learn to walk on my own
I will no longer be able to survive
for I need to be on my own
for all of you put yourselves first
I need to learn to do the same
I say this and yet
my first thoughts for how to do this
are stopped in fear of what will happen to those around me
all I wanna do is be free
be on my own’
for if I stay here I will end up dead
for I am so trapped here
but that is how they like it
isn’t it
but do they not see what they are doing
they are playing with someone’s life
my life
how can they do that
do they like to watch me break
for that is all they keep doing
you can only push a person for so long
until they snap
I am at that point
for I am standing on the edge
and still they keep pushing

Mj Lemon 15 February 2017

There's something very profound and subtle in your metaphor. Crutches are necessary, but all too often maligned by those who need them. Crutches do represent freedom. They help people walk, yet they cannot walk on their own. And they do break. An excellent poem....A 10.

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