I Am Lost Poem by Prince ....

I Am Lost

I am Lost
Lost in a sea of troubles, without a life vest
Nothing to save me now
For defeat and sorrow are sure to obtain all glory

I am forgotten,
Forgotten because other people are more worthy than I
So I am simply left in the shadows of imaginary friends and deception

I am hurt
Hurt from striving heartaches that wont subside
Hurt from no one really caring
Hurt from no one knowing…

I am scared
Scared to be hurt
For my fragile heart can only take so much
Before it stops believing

I am angry
Angry at the world
How could they leave me to decompose all that has ever been said
To go back on their word
To never really care

I am seeking
Seeking and not finding
Maybe I am trying too hard,
For that’s what others may tell you
But I can never know for sure
Only time will tell,
Only time will tell

I am waiting
Waiting for a special person to find me
To notice me
To heal me
To protect me
To comfort me
To love me…

But it seems as if the world has other plans for me
For others are the ones who share the joy of life
The happiness that I have never known

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